
Showing posts from March, 2015


Differential+diagnosis+of+dental+diseases from Sherif El-mokaddam

Pocket atlas of oral diseases

Pocket atlas of oral diseases from Sherif El-mokaddam

World's first dead heart transplant

 World's first dead heart transplant from kirti betai

heart transplantation

Heart transplantation from Ramachandra Barik

Liver, liver metastasis, liver transplant

Liver, liver metastasis, liver transplant from Damra Hassan

spinal trauma

Spinal Trauma (Spinal Cord Injury) from Abdullah Mohammad

spinal cord injury

Presentation1.pptx, radiological imaging of spinal trauma and spinal cord injury. from Abdellah Nazeer

The Evolution of a Salesperson

The Evolution of a Salesperson from Salesforce

why do rich people say passion is key to success

Goals are for Losers. Passion is Overrated. from Scott Adams

10 Tips for Making Beautiful Slideshow Presentations

10 Tips for Making Beautiful Slideshow Presentations from Edahn Small / VISUALI.SE

Acute heart failure: diagnosing and managing acute heart failure in adults

Acute heart failure: diagnosing and managing acute heart failure in adults from Emergency Live

Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus by dr shahjada selim from Shahjada Selim

Pediatric hypertension, second edition (clinical hypertension and vascular diseases)

Pediatric hypertension, second edition (clinical hypertension and vascular diseases) from Jewel Billah


Obesity Presentation from Chrissy777

Periodontics medicine, surgery and implants

Periodontics medicine, surgery and implants from HAI TRIEU

Textbook of endodontics

Textbook of endodontics from Sherif El-mokaddam

textbook of Oral medicine (ingles)

textbook of Oral medicine (ingles) from Alex AvendaƱo

Oral and maxilo facial desease

Oral and maxilo facial desease from Consultorio dental, instituto de tecnologia dental miranda a.c.

Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery

Contemporaryoralandmaxillofacialsurgery from Book Storedental

Pocket atlas of oral diseases

Pocket atlas of oral diseases from Sherif El-mokaddam